New Student/Employee Instructions for Account Access


Learn how to find your computing ID, set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for your account, and reset your password.


Info! Password assistance must be done using the password assistance tool, over the phone, or in person. 


Need help logging in to your Ferris accounts? This article will walk you through the steps to find your computing ID and email address and set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your account. MFA is a security feature that requires more than one method of authentication to verify a user's identity.


This article applies to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and emeriti. 


To log into your Ferris account you must have the following information:

  1. Your computing ID and email address.
  2. A valid password or passphrase.
  3. MFA enabled and set.

Follow these steps to find your computing ID and email address, and set up MFA for your account. 

  1. Find Your Computing ID and Email using your student/employee ID number and 8-digit birthday (mmddyyyy). 

Enter your ID number and mmddyyyy formatted birthday.

  1. Next, you will need to set up MFA. You will be prompted to set up MFA the first time you attempt to log into your account. Your username is your email address obtained during the previous step.  
Note: Use the Mobile app method if you have a mobile phone.

Choose the Mobile app and follow the steps to set up MFA for your account.

  1. Once MFA is set, go to the Password Assistance Tool to set your password.

Enter your email address and Captia information.

  1. After completing all the previous steps, you can log into Ferris360 and Office 365 with your email address and password.
Please Note: It is highly recommended that you set up a second MFA method using an external (non-Ferris) email address. This way you can still access your account if your mobile device is not available to use as an MFA method. Here are the instructions for how to set up additional MFA methods.

Still Need Help? 

Call the IT Solution Center



Article ID: 939
Wed 10/4/23 2:40 PM
Tue 2/4/25 2:55 PM

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