Account Management Process


Information about the IT account management process for different types of roles.



University Information System Account Management and Access Procedures.



To meet regulatory requirements, and for more timely granting and removing access from Ferris systems, automation has been set up to manage accounts. In order for the process to work efficiently, departments need to follow the processes and procedures laid out in this document.

Instructions on where to find any forms needed are in the Forms section of this document.



Departments must submit a new employment Personnel Action Form (PAF). The PAF must be processed by Human Resources before any access can be granted. Note: if a person is a former student employee, this is a new hire, not a re-hire.

The employee’s University user account can be active 30 days prior to start date as long as the PAF and Early Access form are processed.  After the new employee’s accounts are created, the information will be provided to the employee by the IT Solution Center (ITSC).

  • Employee can call to get account information by contacting the IT Solution Center at (231) 591-4822 or (877) 779-4822.
  • Email account and Ferris360 access will take additional time to be set up.
  • Other systems such as Banner, WebFOCUS, etc. will require additional forms.
  • Any break in employment with the University, is classified as a re-hire.
  • Faculty role is granted by the originating department.
  • To gain access to Canvas, go to, and select Canvas.

If employee access or a computer is required prior to 30 days before the start date of employment, the department must submit an Early Access Form in addition to a PAF to Human Resources and needs to be approved by them.


The University defines a transfer as an employee with a current primary assignment moving to a new primary assignment without any break in employment.

To ensure the transfer of access, it is the hiring department’s responsibility to provide Human Resources with a transfer PAF and applicable Data Security forms.  Once the new job assignment update is complete in Human Resources and Payroll, the transfer of the employee’s access to the new department will be completed.

  • Departmental file share (J: drive) access will update once the PAF process is complete. The employee will lose access to previous departmental file shares, and will be granted access to file shares appropriate to their new department.
  • If the employee requires access to additional departmental file shares, the supervisor will need to click Add Access to a Network File Share button on the right to get additional file share access.
  • Additional access such as Banner, WebFOCUS, etc. will require completion of specific access request forms by the new hiring department as access will be removed. Supervisor will need to click Request Banner/Xtender/Webfocus Access button on the right and follow the instructions to gain access to these applications.
  • Employee’s email account will remain the same for job transfers.
  • The employee should delete or give a copy of data to the department from their own email and OneDrive that pertain to their prior position. 
  • The employee needs to request to the Teams/SharePoint owners to be removed from the various groups.
  • The department should change passwords, revoke sign in sessions and remove sign-in methods to any of the generic accounts the person who left had access to.

The University defines an extension for temporary assignment as the continuing of a part-time temporary or full-time temporary employee in a current assignment.

To prevent loss of access, it is the department’s responsibility to submit an extension PAF at least 14 business days prior to the assignment end date. That PAF must be processed by Human Resources before the employee’s records can show the extension.

The employee’s University user account will stay active until the next day. If the department does not submit a PAF to Human Resources prior to the employee’s personnel end date, the account will be disabled and they will no longer have access, including email.


The department must submit a separation PAF as soon as the employee has given notification of separation.  A separation PAF is required for all employees. All access to Ferris systems will be disabled next day following an employee’s personnel end date.

  • If an employee is moving to Emeriti status, there will be up to a two-week delay to access Email (Outlook/Office 365) and will require a password change the day following the personnel end date.
  • If an employee is in an adjunct classification, access will be retained for 365 days beyond the personnel end date.  Note: The time frame is currently being reconsidered, and may be shortened.
  • If an employee is a contracted nine-month classification, access will remain in effect for 120 days beyond the personnel end date.
  • Prior to leaving the University, an employee should set their email to inform contacts that they are no longer with Ferris and provide an appropriate new contact for your department using an out of office notification.
  • Names will remain in the Outlook address book for one year after employment ends.
  • The employee should request to the Teams/SharePoint Owners to be removed from the various groups, especially if they are moving to an alumni or emeriti status
  • The department should change passwords, revoke sign in sessions and remove sign-in methods to any of the generic accounts the person who left had access to.


Definition of an Affiliate is a person who has a professional working relationship with Ferris State University, but is not an employee nor student employee paid by Ferris. To obtain access to Ferris systems, the department must complete an Affiliate (Volunteer) Information form.

  • Affiliate access is granted for one year increments and must be renewed through Human Resources annually.
  • If a department is asking for an Affiliate to have an email account, but the Affiliate is a current active student, the student email account is the only email account assigned to that Affiliate.


Definition of Emeriti is a Ferris employee who retires from Ferris State University and has been granted the status as per the Board of Trustees policy. Faculty and Administrative staff who meet the qualifications for retirement must formally request the Emeriti status and receive Board of Trustees approval. Other staff must qualify, formally request Emeriti status and receive Board of Trustees approval.

Emeriti will need to reset their password after changing roles from Employee to Emeriti.  Call the IT Solution Center to assist at (231) 591-4822 or (877) 779-4822.
When first changing roles to Emeriti, there could be up to a two week delay before email can be accessed. Outlook client and Office products access using the Ferris account will be lost at this time as well. Access to the online email and office products will be accessible through

  • The employee needs to request to the Teams/Sharepoint Owners to be removed from the various groups.
  • The Department should change passwords, revoke sign in sessions and remove sign-in methods to any of the generic accounts the person who left had access to.



An employee that has never worked at Ferris.


An employee who has worked at Ferris before, but does not have a current assignment (this does not include previous student employment).


  • An employee re-hired after any break in employment.
  • Adjunct faculty that is hired on a semester-by-semester basis for each new semester assignment.


The extension of a part-time temporary or full-time temporary employee’s current assignment.


The transfer of an employee with a current assignment to another primary assignment without a break in employment dates.


  • A part-time employee with a current assignment who attains a full-time position.
  • Employee with an active primary assignment in one department and then moves to a primary assignment in a different department.


An active enrolled student.


An individual that requires access to the Ferris system, but is not a current Ferris employee nor student employee.


A retired employee that qualifies and meets Board of Trustees policy for Emeriti status.


Has taken at least one class in the past or has graduated.



A person’s relationship(s) with Ferris State University determines the access and assigned roles. If more than one role applies, the following hierarchy will determine what role is applied, with the role with the lowest number taking precedence:

  1. Employee
  2. Current Student
  3. Affiliate/Volunteer
  4. Emeriti
  5. Former/Alumni Student


  • If the individual is an employee and a current student, the employee role takes precedence.
  • If the individual is an active student and an affiliate of the University, the current student role takes precedence.


If a person changes roles (process initiated with proper paperwork (PAF) to Human Resources), temporary loss of access may occur. Examples of access disruption will occur for the following changes:

  • Affiliate or Volunteer to Employee
  • Employee to Affiliate or Volunteer
  • Employee to Emeriti
  • Student to Employee
  • Employee to Student or Former Student
  • Employee to ‘no role’ separated from the University
    • All access will be removed one day after personnel end date.

For all the changes in roles from above, the following will happen:

Access impact:
  • User name stays the same.
  • Access is disabled.
  • Delay of email access up to two weeks unless indicated above.
Regain access:
  • Access will be granted based on the new role after the Human Resources and Payroll process is complete.
    • Requires a password reset
    • Access may require new paperwork such as Banner, network file shares, etc.


Forms are located:

Human Resources PAF’s:

  • In Ferris360: Search for ‘HR Forms’, select the Human Resources Forms page.

Data Security:

Network Directory Access-Add File Shares:

When does a department use a special access request form?

To grant access for an Affiliate (Volunteer)
In Ferris360: Search for "HR Forms" > Select the Human Resources Forms page > Campus Computing Access Requests > Non-Employee or Affiliate link.
To request early access to an incoming employee

In Ferris360: > Search for "HR Forms" > Select the Human Resources Forms page > Campus Computing Access Requests > Pre-Employment Computing Access Request.

To grant additional access needed to supplemental systems such as Banner, WebFOCUS, Xtender, etc.

 Click Request Banner/Xtender/Webfocus Access button on the right hand side and follow the instructions.

To grant access to additional network file shares.

 Click Add Access to a Network File Share button on the right hand side and follow the instructions.

Still Need Help? 

Call the IT Solution Center



Article ID: 6931
Tue 5/7/24 12:00 PM
Tue 8/20/24 1:05 PM

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