Security Tips & Resources

Tags Security


Resources to help you keep your accounts and identify safe. 


If you have suggestions for additional security tips and resources that you and others may find helpful, please contact the Information Security Office. We'd love to hear from you!

You are a Target!

Think you don't have anything that cybercriminals would want? Think again! Check out how cybercriminals can use your information and devices against you. You are a target!

Avoiding Social Engineering & Phishing Attacks

Social engineering and phishing attacks are so prevalent today that most of us see at least one per day either in our business or personal life.  Phishing and other social engineering attack methods remain in the top attack vectors. Don't fall victim! Protect yourself and your information by learning about these attacks and common indicators.

Know How To Spot a Fake

Getting scammed is the worst. Learn how to spot a fake when it comes to some common scams including imposter scams, healthcare scams, and tech support scams.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication (sometimes called two-factor) is a process in which a user is required to present at least two or more credentials to verify their identity before signing into a system or application. 

Many systems and applications are moving toward this form of authentication and you're most likely familiar with it if you do any of your banking online. If any of the services you use offer multi-factor authentication, we strongly suggest you take advantage of it and utilize it to help secure your accounts. 

Check out the FTC's consumer advice on using multi-factor (two-factor) authentication.

Learn how to setup, change, and add additional methods of MFA for your Ferris account by visiting our MFA information page.

Mobile Devices

Mobiles devices are everywhere you look today and are used in both our business and personal lives. It's important to recognize that these little devices can pack a big punch if they fall into the wrong hands or aren't properly secured. 

Here are a couple things to remember when it comes to your mobile devices.

  1. Personal information is like money. Value it. Protect it.
  2. Keep a clean machine.

For more details, check out Safety Tips for Mobile Devices from STOP|THINK|CONNECT.


Worried about your device security while traveling? Check out some safety tips from STOP|THINK|CONNECT that will keep your devices and data secure while you're on the go.

Don't forget about keeping your mobile devices safe too! Think about your contacts, photos, and what would you do if it was lost or stolen.  Here are some additional precautions you can take on your mobile devices.

If you're traveling for business, consider checking out a loaner laptop from the IT Solution Center. Using a loaner will help minimize the amount of data  you're traveling with and still give you access to the web browsers and applications you need.

Online Shopping

Life can get kind of crazy and sometimes you just don't have time to go to the store or you can't find what you're looking for. We all do it, but do we all do it safely?

The Center for Internet Security (CIS) has a few steps to help you stay safe while shopping online. If you'd like to read more details on these steps, please visit the CIS website.

  1. Only do business with reputable companies.
  2. Don't shop on public Wi-Fi...EVER!
  3. Use a credit card instead of a debit card.
  4. Don't save your personal or payment information in web browsers.

Social Media

Have you ever stopped to think about how much of your personal information is available online? Your social media profiles can be a treasure trove of gold for cybercriminals.  Keep your accounts secure and enjoy your online life by following the tips below. More details on this list can be found online at staying safe on social media.

  1. Prize your personal info 
  2. Check your settings
  3. Enable MFA
  4. Passwords: Think long, strong, unique 
  5. Share with care! 
  6. Posts are like ghosts
  7. Be choosy about friends and followers
  8. Block the bullies! 
  9. Don’t take the phishing bait! 

If you believe your social media accounts have been hacked,  it is important to act fast. Be aware of the symptoms, learn what steps you can take, and learn how to protect your accounts going forward by checking out Hacked Accounts: What to Do Right Now by 

Protecting Your Personal Information

The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) suggests four simple things you can do to protect your personal information. More detail on this list can be found on CISA's website

  1. Turn on multifactor authentication
  2. Update your software
  3. Think before you click
  4. Use strong passwords

Video Resources

Opting Out

Tired of receiving telemarketing calls, junk snail mail, and spam or unwanted emails? Check out the FTC's tips on how to reduce this type of mail and email and register your phone numbers with the National Do Not Call Registry.

Online Privacy

Just because a website or app isn't asking you for data doesn't mean it isn't collecting it. Always assume that it is and check your privacy settings to verify. Unless the website or app needs these settings turned on to function, you should considering turning off these four settings:

  1. Camera
  2. Microphone
  3. Location
  4. Sync contacts

Can't find the privacy settings? Here is a list of popular devices, websites, and services that will take you directly to the privacy settings.

Identity Theft Information

I Suspect I'm a Victim of Identity Theft. What Now?

Download the FTC's checklist to get started and report your identity theft.

Check out additional identity theft resources from the FTC on child, medical and tax identity theft in addition to learning about how to use credit freezes and fraud alerts on your credit report.

Did Someone Say FREE (Credit Report)?

Did you know you can receive a copy of your credit report for FREE? Reviewing your credit report for errors and signs of identity theft allows you to fix any mistakes and helps protect your credit history. Check out all the information on credit reports on the FTC's Free Credit Reports website.

Make It Routine! Five Simple Ways to Help Protect Your Identity

  1. Review your credit card and bank statements carefully and frequently.
  2. Know your payment due dates and question bills that show up at irregular times.
  3. Review your health insurance plan statements and make sure claims match the care received.
  4. Shred documents containing personal information.
  5. Review your credit reports at least annually.

How Ferris Protects Your Data

Please see the FSU Privacy Policy and the HIPAA Breach Notification Policy


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