PHR101 Wi-Fi

Tags WiFi PHR101


PHR101 network and for guests via PHR101_Guest. 


PHR101's Wi-Fi upgrade involves distinct access for internal users via the PHR101 network and for guests via PHR101_Guest. With 12 new Access Points, this upgrade supports 300 devices concurrently, ensuring enhanced connectivity.


  1. Connect to PHR101 Wi-Fi network.
  2. Enter your Computing ID.
  3. Input your password. Note: This process mirrors connecting to the Bulldogs Network.

For Guests:

  1. Connect to PHR101_Guest.
  2. Use the password "PHR101_Guest".
Note: Signal Caution: Students are advised against connecting to FerrisWiFi while in class in 101 due to its signal originating from the nearby lounge.

Upgrade Scope: FerrisWiFi will remain the main SSID for patrons in other areas of the Pharmacy building, with no set upgrade schedule for the rest of the building.

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Article ID: 1500
Mon 10/30/23 3:12 PM
Fri 2/16/24 2:28 PM

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